Do you agree having parents’ support for achieving your dreams is very much important?
But how do you handle a misalignment between your dreams and your parents’ dreams for you?
Many people don’t know how to align their career goals with their parents, which is why they don’t get support for their goals. But,
What do you think is the biggest problem with parents not providing enough support?
There are many reasons to have misaligned visions when it comes to your dreams.
Inability to communicate
The number one reason why parents do not understand what you say about your dreams is that they do not understand what you want in your career or what you do? So, when communicating with them, be more specific, clear, and make it simple to understand.
Problem with you
You can also cause problems when you do not provide the results they want or expect. When you don’t have the results that they want then you won’t get the support that you want.
Problems with them
If they have any challenges in the family, like financial challenges, health challenges, physical challenges family pressure, or work pressure, there will be tons and tons of challenges that your parents might be going through. That makes them not support you with what you want.

These are the 3 main reasons why parents won’t support you with what you want.
Now let’s understand 5 ideas, how is it that we can improve our alignment with our parents.
Dear and Near to you
First thing is to try to communicate your dreams with people who are dear and nearer to you and your parents or whom they trust the most. So, if they communicate with them, there is a chance to say yes to your dreams or what you wanted to do.
Increase Your Results
This might also be the reason to get support from your parents. Because when you have results that they want or expect from you then that might also be the reason for them to support you because you have already created the PPR-Past Proven Results. That will create trust in you like you can do what you want.
Invest In The Relationships
You investing your time or spending quality time with your parents and creating good bonding with them will make a very good difference in creating alignment.
Good Deed Deposits
Depositing a good deed or creating beautiful memories with them, whenever you get time spend time, give what they want, present the gift what they love. So that you create a beautiful bonding or relationship with them.
It won’t work in any relationship if you just go to them when you required something from them but you do not spend time when everything is going well. So, try to spend as much time as possible when you have it.
Understanding Them From Core
This is something very important to connect with your parents. Because when you communicate from your heart. It means you communicate with more conviction and you have complete clarity on how to do and what you want to do. If you have conviction and if you are communicating with feelings from your heart, they will definitely connect with you and your dreams, then they will support you.
These are some of the best ideas to improve your alignment with your parents. Because it is very important to create the best alignment with your parents.
If you are the one who really wants to improve your alignment with parents, then you have an opportunity here, to see the possibility of how our students from our community are creating a strong alignment with their parents and how they are communicating with their families, by building skills and producing fabulous results that make both of them happy and also you can see how their parents feel proud about their son/daughter. So, Join us and see more possibilities.